Impressed? I bloody am!
Taking Brazillian artist Dalton Ghetti anywhere from several months to 2 and a half years in the case of the pencils with interlinking chains, each of these amazing pieces of sculpture are hand carved using only a needle, scalpel and a razor blade and without the aid of a magnifying glass. So the detail Ghetti achieves in his graphite boot, interlinking chains and hollow formed mirco-sculptures is even more remarkable.
I watched a TED talk by Willard Wigan about his astounding micro-sculptures which fit on the head of a pin, which this reminds me of, primarily because of the bizarre materials and tools he uses such a spiders webs, fibres from teddy bears, jumpers and shards of glass. Wigan's video is below and worth watching to see how such objects could ever be turned into the iconic Huf Haus, Bart & Homer Simpson and the Statue of Liberty.
This stuff makes my brain hurt, I'd say I was a pretty patient person when it comes to making pieces of work, I quite enjoy the mind numbing repetitiveness and more fiddly aspects of jewellery making...but I can't imagine ever having the patience to do this kind of work. Plus I'd actually need to wear my glasses!
via - Inhabitat
Listening: Porcupine Tree - Collapse The Light Into Earth
Oh my god is that for real??? It's amazing!!!!
Really real...aren't they insane? I'm totally in love with those carvings, they're incredible and so precise. It's hard enough getting a decent point on a pencil without snapping it! x
OMG!! This is totally absolutely flipping amazing!! like really!!
I know! I still can't quite get my head around it...I have a hard enough time carving a decent point out of a pencil let alone a heart hanging off a chain!!
Thanks for stopping by Ash! x
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