However, this Doodle Duvet, which was awarded Best New Product at UK trade fair Top Drawer, comes with 8 coloured wash-out pens and is printed up like lined notepaper. Perfect for scribbling down those late night ideas and designs or leaving messages...though, if you're anything like me, finding the right pen would be the big issue and without a doubt I'd pick up a permanent marker. Doh!

via - Sarah
Listening: David Bowie - Jean Genie
How cool! Great for jotting down ideas that come to you when you are lying in bed too. I don't think I'd give something like that to my daughter though. As you say it'd give her ideas!
Could be the sort of thing that you let her design her sheets and help change her bed (I don't know how old your daughter is, she might already do that :)) but it could be quite fun as long as she knows that mummy is the holder of the special pens ;)
That said, you're probably right, even for me, at 25, the temptation would be too strong ;) x
She's nearly two so still too little to be let loose with pens on her bed. She might think that you can use pens on other things in the house as well. Not ready for her to be designing her own wallpaper yet. LOL.
Definitely not a good idea if she's about to hit the terrible twos ;)
Not unless you have a wipe clean house. x
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