...it's not the peel, it's the orange*.
Love these Hazel Nicholls screen prints. The matryoshka print reminds me of *The Might Boosh and a design board I drew in 3rd year for a set of Russian doll inspired rings...really must consider those again, I really did like them.
Well, I thought I'd share this, as, like the biscuit says:
Image from Elphick's blog
Oh! And that should be most of the changes done to the blog format, hopefully it'll just take a little tweaking. Don't suppose anyone knows how to remove my blog title without losing the title bar? I've been searching, but none have worked so far explaining why in your tabs/titlebar/blogroll I now appear as "...". This is one of the things that is needing tweaking.
If only I was as good at html as I was when I was 15. Ten years of no html has obviously been a bad thing!
Link - Hazel Nicholls.blogspot
Listening: Dakota Suite - I'm Leaving
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