Tuesday 30 November 2010

Monday Mood Board: Winter Whites

Row 1: Sister Winter by Simon Filip, Revelry by Beesknees67
Row 3: Pt. 13 by 5letters, Winter Fairy Tale by Loretablog

Plus side: snow is pretty; snow is cold; snow feels Christmassy; snow makes people feel & look (even only briefly) like children again; snow makes everything look more beautiful; romantic interludes in films without doubt happen in the snow; snow gives us an excuse to stay inside, with a warm drink and a film, under the duvet, without guilt...

Downside: snow causes chaos; snow causes damage and snow makes the council hate cul-de-sacs even more than normal; snow may bring a little business to this Glenshee adjacent town, but it also kills small businesses until the plows have been around; snow turns into slush and slush is just horrible; slush turns to ice and ice makes you slip, hurt yourself and makes you cold...

...snow is without a doubt, much, much better when you're a kid!

Listening: Clayhill - Please, Please, Please (Let Me Get What I Want)

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