Monday, 10 January 2011

Monday Mood Board: Macro Snowflakes

Row 1: Snow flakes BW by Yamiyalo, Snow Macro by Shannon Bjorgaard,
Macro Snowflake by Kitty_and_Bear
Row 2: Snowflakes by Sindarelf, SnowFlake by Karl Wagner, .snowflakes. by Candymax
Row 3: Fresh Snow by Sam Javanrouh, Single Snowflake by Erica Marshall

It still amazes me that this is what snowflakes look like close up. I even read how to preserve them using microscope slides and superglue. [Tutorial]
Listening: James Blake - Limit To Your Love


PhotoPuddle said...

Snowflakes really are so beautiful.

Emily Boyd said...

Definitely and so intricate! It's quite staggering :) x

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