Thursday, 26 May 2011

Isn't it always the way?


Why is it the day you feel like blogging, Blogger's down? It was like this the week before last, I started blogging again and then not only does it go down but they delete the post? I don't think I'd mind if there were any obvious changes to Blogger afterwards, but there never seems to be. Although, this seemed easily remedied - if not obviously advertised - that simply deleting your history/cache/cookies would sort it out.

Anyway, this means that I was sat in the kitchen yesterday drinking my evil herbal concoxtion, a cup of coffee and crackers that taste like buttered popcorn - which is nicer than it sounds - all whilst typing up some blog entries sans pictures in Notepad. Notepad as whenever I've attempted to write things up in Word it has resulted in bizzare coding when it's transfered.

Blogger may be my prefered platform for blogging, but seriously sometimes it's just annoying.

Right so today we shall be having some normal blogging of things which were put on hold last week, including a hopeful revisit to DoJ's Degree Show towards the end of this week or start of next, as I didn't make it all the way round and there are more postcards to be collected and art to be seen. Then next week we shall have some special birthday blogging!

I haven't quite worked out what special birthday blogging is, but I'm thinking that there should be music, decorations, cake and presents. And do I dare write a "things to do in my 26th year" list? Probably and indeed probably not. We'll see how I feel once I actually am 26!

Em x

PS: I hate posting without a picture, so the image above is an illustration I did for uni. He's called Bates. Don't piss him off. He's a bit of a nutter. Bad experience with a red sock and a washing machine. One day I shall post the story I wrote to go with him.

Listening: Lady Gaga - Judas

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