Wednesday 30 December 2020

On the 4th Day of Christmas...

... I give to you...
... four sassy cats...
... three ballpoint pens...
... two in/appropriate characters...
... a little souvenir.

Between five and eight every morning, I am woken up by screaming and scrabbling. Sometimes the call is coming from inside the house, sometimes it's coming from outside my bedroom window, either way, I end up with cold feet (often with cold toe beans trampling across them) and somebody demanding breakfast, attention and to be escorted to wherever he's decided is current his bed.

He's a monster, but I love him.

Which is pretty much the subject of Day 4, our collective inability not to love the psychotic little fluffballs whose homes we rudely occupy. 

So we're sticking with pen drawn illustrations, and some of the posts I look forward too most when they pop up in my Instagram feed, and those are created by Portuguese illustrator Luis Coelho of

Don't touch the toe beans without full awareness that you may not walk away with fingertips.

There is nothing more annoying than waking up to your cat screaming while beating the shit out of your bedroom door at stupid o'clock in the morning. Although waking up to him beating the living crap out of the door of the shower (which rattles so it ten times louder) is terrifying!

The fluffy one seems unaffected by my meowing at him. This either means I'm fluent in cat or he's fluent in idiot. Either way, don't sneeze, cough or make any weird noises near him because that will freak him out.

Yes. It means I've said your name seven hundred times and you've blatantly ignored me, but you always react to weird noises. 

Let's face it, cats are weird.

Cats are weird and these illustrations are so weirdly intense, yet adorable that Coelho has to own (be owned by) cats or had cats in his life, because only a cat owner knows how irresistible fluffy tummies and toe beans are. Even when you know you're taking your life in your hands if you touch them.

These illustrations make me happy, and I love the texture of the crosshatching, which looks like the exactly like crazy floof, and I love the humour. So they make me smile whenever Coelho uploads one of them to his Instagram feed. 

And in a year where I had to stop myself checking the news headlines too often, and ban myself from Twitter for a while because there was only so much misery and scaremongering from ill-informed people I could handle. Having sweet and silly things appear in my feeds helped to not fully succumb to panic about what was happening in the world. 

I think everyone needs a little silliness and joy to break up reality. So for that I highly recommend following if you like illustrations of cats staring into your soul and daring you to touch their bellies...

Merry Christmas! Day five tomorrow...

Listening: The Love Cats - The Cure

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