...this blog gave to thee...
...eight resolutions...
...seven pretty shoesies...
...six party dresses...
...five gold rings!..
...four collared hangers...
...three Mad Men...
...two hedgehog gloves...
...and a house to dunk into your tea.
I've been debating what to post today. This being January 1st 2011. And in the end I've decided to go with a relatively obvious post and that is eight resolutions. In my head I usually make a few for myself, and this year I have done just that, but I'm hoping sharing some of them might make me more likely to uphold them. I've also thrown some in to do with my blog. So here they are:
1. Blog more. I expect you to hold me to that one! And badger me if I disappear.
2. Be a designer. In 2010, I let everything drop because from the very start of the New Year, I was depressed and let myself stop trying. Then not designing/making made me more miserable and when I'm miserable, apparently I can't design. Or at least not consistently or in my mind well. So that needs to stop. Might take a while, but hopefully resolution one will help this part.
3. Seriously consider moving my workshop to work. It came up just before Christmas and then again today...it's a serious possibility and would certainly benefit me during the winter. I've not been able to go out since the snow came as I can't get the temperature up. (I have some downed tools photos and a new piece to share post 12 days of Christmas.)
4. Start a sketchbook. Now and write, draw and stick things into it every day. It's time to be a visual journalist again and prove there's still a designers brain lurking in the darkness. It will help my design work, my research & my blogging. So there's three good reasons.
5. Write. It's weird. I always hated writing essays, until I was able to hone in on certain areas I was interested in. Not to say I didn't still hate writing essays, but I kind of miss it too. On my blog I have taken a very informal style to my writing, mostly because I wanted my blog to be approachable and friendly and about enthusing over design, craft etc rather than lecturing about it. But I do want to try and write in a more structured style too. Just to keep a toe in.
6. Get back in touch. Said depression/designers block I keep banging on about has pushed me towards life as a hermit and I've not been in touch with my friends much over the last six months to a year. I am a bad friend, but I feel a little more like me now.
7. Get a haircut! Just a personal one here, but it's been nearly two years since I last had it cut and while I like it long, and intend to keep it that way for a while. It's time to at least ditched the split ends. They're getting ridiculous!
8. Be Happy. I say this one every year. It's usually my only resolution. I go through phases as everyone does. But I feel happier at the start of 2011 than I did at the start of 2010. So maybe by this time 2012 I'll be happier again.
So that's it. And to all my lovely and patient readers I wish a very Happy New Year! Hopefully 2011 will be filled with successes and happiness and kept resolutions. Part nine tomorrow...
Kiss - Explored!!! via Flickr|Coopet Photography
Listening: Death Cab for Cutie - The New Year
8 resolutions! You don't do things by halves... Good luck with all those :) I hope to cheat this year by organising many blogposts in advance rather than backdating all the time. *howls of derisive laughter*
To be fair, 1 & 5 are pretty much the same. As are 2 & 4 as one is part of the other and 3 is too dependant on the lab coming back at work...
7 - haircut is easy.
It's 6 and 8 are trickier.
So technically it's only 5 resolutions and I do have 12 months to get on with them :P
But I think I'll take your lead and do some advance postings or at least have some ready and waiting to be posted when I don't have time to write.
Good luck with the cheating.
Loves xxx
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